Police Game Xxx We Are The Law My Niggas, And The Law Needs

He followed her the rest ofthe way to the kitchen, eager to be out of sight. She had him take thewine from the fridge. It was a modest pinot grigio. He got a tall,stemmed glass and poured carefully. She reminded him to concentrate onhis posture, to make sure it was appropriately girlish at all times, butespecially when he was performing any sort of duty for her. Bella took asip and sighed approvingly. Bunny watched with envy. She denied himwine, coffee, sweets and especially beer. In the past he had enjoyed anoccasional bottle of imported ale, as much to savor its rich taste as todemonstrate his masculinity. Now he wasn't even allowed to wear anythingmade of flannel or denim -- though she had said that if he was a goodgirl she might buy him a pair of cut-off dungaree shorts, telling him hewould look cute in Daisy Dukes. Bunny had to stand by obediently, like a servant, while she unhurriedlyfinished her drink. She pushed her chair back and patted her lap. Hewent to her and sat himself. As soon as I stepped outside, I knew this storm was not going to be over anytime soon. The snow was falling heavily, the wind blowing hard, and I could barely see the outline of my car parked only twenty feet from the door. I finally made it to the car and popped the trunk, grabbing the terracotta-colored duffle bag I used as an emergency kit and slinging it over my shoulder. I closed the trunk and began to make my way back, but a particularly large gust of wind, combined with the cumbersome weight of the duffle bag, caused me to lose my balance. I toppled, all of my weight landing on my right knee, pain shooting through it as the bag slipped from my shoulder. I shifted and got to my feet, my knee protesting as I tested it gingerly. I grabbed the strap of the duffle and hobbled to the door, dragging it through the snow behind me. Sophia opened the door just as I reached it, and I pulled the bag through. ‘What happened to you?’ she asked, as I limped away from the cold of the.
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